Expert, objective view on a CEO's leadership style and impact

CEO Review

Expert, objective view on a CEO's leadership style and impact

Whether as part of an annual CEO evaluation or as a way to kick off Leadership development, our best-in-class CEO Review will provide you with clear and comprehensive view on:

  • CEO’s Leadership style, strengths and development areas 
  • Their performance on the qualitative, organisational and cultural aspects of the CEO scorecard
  • Effectiveness of engagement and communication with the Board and with key management and employee teams
CEO Review output can be used for:
  • Informing objective understanding of CEO’s Leadership strengths and development priorities and providing them with development support
  • Impartial input for Remuneration discussion
  • Initiating and supporting vital conversations with the Board and with senior leadership teams
  • Input for next year’s CEO scorecard
  • Leadership Readiness and C-suite leadership benchmarking (an abridged CEO Review can be conducted for other Senior Leadership roles)
  • Gaining valuable insights for organisational culture and design initiatives 


How does it work?

1) Define: We will work with you to understand what is most important for you to know:

  • Key Success Factors for CEO Leadership, for your company’s unique context and informed by best practice in leadership. These will usually include a range of key leadership dimensions (e.g., Interpersonal Style, Strategic perspective, Motivational style, Resilience, People management). Evaluation according to organisational Leadership Competencies can also be integrated.
  • CEO’s performance on non-financial criteria of their annual CEO scorecard
  • Leadership readiness for upcoming organisational priorities (e.g., How are they likely to lead through transformation? Through a merger? Through a push for innovation?)


2) Review: Using a range of tools to gather the relevant information from the CEO and from critical stakeholder groups. Typically, this will include a combination of:

  • Custom-designed interview with the CEO
  • One-to-one 360-degree style interviews with nominated stakeholders (typically includes Board members, leadership team, key clients and employees)
  • Leadership/personality style survey for completion by CEO


3) Report: An integrated, jargon-free, practical and constructive written report and verbal feedback is provided:

  • To the CEO, including an extensive, one-to-one debrief and development discussion
  • By arrangement, to other parties such as: Company Board, Remuneration Committee, HR/L&D Business Partner, Executive Coach


Contact Us to discuss your needs and find out more